Wednesday, July 20, 2011

I'm the handyman in my house & work full time. Every time I ask my husband to do something he complains.?

I'm a middle aged woman with a very lazy husband. I do most of the heavy construction jobs on our house. I work a full time job and two part time jobs. The hubby also works full time, but I swear to God...every time I ask him to help me with something I get rolling of the eyes and moaning and groaning, and then he promises to do it but doesn't. There's a large piece of plywood in my garage that I've been asking him to help me feed through the table saw because one person can't handle it and it's been sitting there FOR A YEAR. Last summer I was outside mixing mortar and laying concrete block at night. He says he's going to come out and help me, and what does he do? He brings me a floodlight and goes back in the house. I just asked him to go pick me up a piece of rigid foam board for me since he has an SUV and I can't fit it in my car, and I got drama again. I think there are a ton of men out there who would really appreciate the fact that their wives can do the stuff I do and fling around construction material like a mule. And work. And cook. And clean. And do the laundry. Yes- hubby WILL clean from time to time without bitching. He'll grab a vacuum of his own accord but if I ask him to pick up a screwdriver it's like I asked him to kill his mother. It's not that he's intimidated by me...he's perfectly capable of doing this stuff too, he's just incredibly lazy. When I bring up the subject calmly and rationally he gets immediately defensive and denies he acts like a jerk. Any advice?

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